Here are new updates and recommended actions from PAGE (Progressive Action Global Exchange) followed by inspiring reading/watching/listening suggestions from our own Kathy Sherretts (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN) We welcome your comments below! In solidarity, Sage PAGE Update Once again, the President of the United States and racist activists are damaging the lives of people of color. The President pardoned former Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who called his own jail a “concentration camp” and had been convicted of contempt of court after violating a federal order to stop racially profiling Latinos. The Trump Administration also signalled that they plan to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (known as DACA), which would put 800,000 people living in the US at risk of deportation. Trump defended his response to white supremacists’ attacks in Charlottesville. And it became clear the US will send more Americans to Afghanistan to kill and be killed. This week we focus our actions to fight back against this racist agenda Priority Actions
Continued Actions:
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! by Kathy Sherretts I had to include this from the MTV VMA awards, of all things. The article includes a transcript of remarks by Susan Bro, although I'm sure that a video link will be available soon. Kathy Sherretts Podcast: Bite: W. Kamau Bell and the Case of the Racist Skittles (36 min) At a Ku Klux Klan rally in Kentucky, comedian W. Kamau Bell was handed iced tea and Skittles, the snacks Trayvon Martin purchased the night he was killed by George Zimmerman. Bell tells us how he reacted to the overtly racist gesture—and about how certain foods can become cultural symbols. Article: WashingtonPost: I was detained for protesting Trump. Here’s what the Secret Service asked me. by Melissa ByrneInstead Instead of seeing a political dissenter, they saw a national security threat. Podcast: Slate Magazine: Trumpcast: The Corruption of Carl Ichan (24min) How an obscure EPA rule brought down the billionaire Trump adviser.
My Fellow Resisters, Here are new updates and recommended actions from PAGE (Progressive Action Global Exchange) followed by inspiring reading/watching/listening suggestions from our own Kathy Sherretts (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN) In solidarity, Sage PAGE Update This week, the United States president sided with white supremacists, Nazis and the KKK, when he said there was “blame on both sides” for the violence in Charlottesville last weekend. His comments make it clearer than ever that our leadership is morally abhorrent, and it’s up to all of us to do the hard work of fighting racism - both the extremist racism we saw in Charlottesville last weekend, the more subtle versions that show up in our everyday lives. This week, we continue to support Charlottesville and activists fighting racism across the United States, and we take action to defund the hateful immigrations policies funded in Trump’s budget. You can also take some photos for the upcoming #NotTooFarAwayToCall campaign, and prepare to recruit members into your PAGE group this fall. Priority Actions Keep Showing Up for Charlottesville. After the events of last weekend, many have made new commitments to fighting racism and dismantling white supremacy. Below, we share some immediate actions you can take; it’s also important to think about how to integrate this work into your long-term routine.
Take action to defund hate. Trump wants to use your tax dollars to finance his anti-immigrant agenda in the government’s fiscal year 2018 budget, all while making devastating cuts to health and education. Stopping the flow of money is critical to stopping Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda, and this week, we follow the lead of Detention Watch Network to do that. It’s time to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on the abusive and deadly immigration enforcement system.
Extra Actions:
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! by Kathy Sherretts My vacation in the US included visits to several museums and national parks. In more than one I noticed signs reminding visitors of the federal funding that allows them to operate, and asking us to contact our elected representatives to express our support for these spaces. It's easy to forget that there are serious budget decisions coming up—and cabinet appointees who are already planning for big cuts to arts funding and exploitation of protected land. So yes, drop your reps a line; remind them that we are paying attention to their actions and their statements—and the next time you are in the states, visit an art museum, go to see a dinosaur exhibit, hike in a national park. —Kathy Sherretts Article: The Guardian: White House Ends Ban on Selling Bottled Water in National Parks by Jessica Glenza National parks will no longer be allowed to ban plastic bottled water, after Trump administration officials ended a six-year-old policy put in place to curb pollution. The policy change came after just a few months of lobbying by the International Bottled Water Association. Article: Washington Post: Why those Confederate soldier statues look a lot like their Union counterparts by Marc Fisher. Many of the South’s Silent Sentinels turn out to be identical to the statues of Union soldiers that decorate public spaces across the North, but for one detail: On the soldier’s belt buckle, the “U.S.” is replaced by a “C.S.” for “Confederate States.” Article: The Medium/The Mission: This is how your Fear and Outrage are Being Sold for Profit by Tobias Rose-Stockwell Every time you open your phone or your computer, your brain is walking onto a battleground. The weapons are the apps, news feeds, and notifications in your field of view every time you look at a screen. Your captive attention is worth billions in advertising and subscription revenue. My Fellow Resisters, Here are new updates and recommended actions from PAGE (Progressive Action Global Exchange) followed by inspiring reading/watching/listening suggestions from our own Kathy Sherretts (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN) In solidarity, Sage PAGE Update This weekend, white supremacists, Nazis and fascists marched and waged terror in Charlottesville, VA, showing the world just how active white nationalist and racist movements are in the US (see a “Hate Map” from the SPLC for more info). If you’ve living outside the US, today you may be feeling all kinds of complicated emotions about watching these events unfold from afar. Please know that wherever you are in the world, there is much you can do to support Charlottesville, and fight against racism, white supremacy and hate. This week, we’re supporting anti-racism activists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville. We’re also joining United We Dream's campaign to protect DACA (the “Dream” act) and Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and showing up for immigrants threatened by the Trump administration’s embrace of white nationalism. Priority Actions Support Anti-Racism Activists in Charlottesville, VA.
Protect DACA and TPS!
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! by Kathy Sherretts I had something else prepared this week, but the awful weekend events in Charlottesville Virginia have left me speechless. I was moved by this piecefrom Dahlia Lithwick, a Slate correspondent who lives there. Podcast: NPR, All Things Considered: A Reformed White Nationalist Speaks Out on Charlottesville (8 min) Christian Picciolini says he was a "lost and lonely" teenager when he was recruited by a white nationalist group. Picciolini immersed himself in the organization's ideology and by age 16, he had emerged as the leader of a group called the Chicago Area Skinheads. Article: Quartz: A New Colossus, The story behind the Statue of Liberty’s unexpected transformation into a beacon for refugees and immigrants by Thu-Huong Ha Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free… here is a brief history of how that poem came to become synonymous with the Statue of Liberty and this country’s assimilation of immigrants. Article: Politico: Interest in U.S. diplomatic corps tumbles in early months of Trump by Daniel Lippman and Nahal Toosi (10 min read) The president’s comments thanking Putin for expelling American diplomats from Russia because it would save the U.S. “a lot of money” stunned and disappointed the State Department rank-and-file, and could further dissuade people from joining the diplomatic corps. Here are new updates and recommended actions from PAGE (Progressive Action Global Exchange) followed by inspiring reading/watching/listening suggestions from our own Kathy Sherretts (STOP, LOOK, LISTEN) In solidarity, Sage PAGE Update It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the discriminatory actions and manipulative distractions of the Trump administration. This week, Rep. Maxine Waters gave us a new refrain for cutting through the nonsense, when she reclaimed her time from a stalling Trump Secretary. Let’s follow Rep. Maxine Waters’ example and direct our energy to the important fights. This week, we focus on immigration, under threat by the RAISE Act (under which Trump wouldn’t qualify for a Green Card). We'll also take action against the prison industrial complex. Trans folks’ basic rights are under threat – let’s step up for them. For motivation, check out Mykal Kilgore’s gospel remix of Rep. Waters’ wisdom. PAGE Priority Actions
STOP, LOOK, LISTEN! by Kathy Sherretts Greetings from Trumpsylvania. I have been watching the evening news every night with my mom, and I see why most folks have only the broadest sense of what is going on in Washington. Even without the influence of Fox News, folks sooner or later quit trying to follow or understand all the changing and contradictory stories. No amount of explanation and background material is going to make them care MORE about a topic that is already giving them a headache. In the spirit of curing my own headache, I want to pass along my new favorite thing: The emails from Donald Trump Jr. to Rob Goldstone, who set up the controversial meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians, could potentially be used as evidence of collusion with Russia — or they could be the lyrics of a soulful and mellow summer ballad. If It’s What You say, I Love It by Spirit Giants (3:41 min) Video: Late Night with Seth Meyers: The Check In: Trump and Religion (9:37 min) A look at President Trump's spiritual advisor, and his evolving views on religion, faith and the separation of church and state. Article: Moyers&Co: Taking on the Private Prison Industry’s Corporate Backers by Sarah Jaffe Activists are trying to combat both the accelerated tracking and detaining of immigrants and the use of for-profit prisons to hold them by targeting the big banks that prop up for-profit prison companies. Article: Washington Post: At EPA museum, history might be in for a change By Juliet Eilperin and Brady Dennis The EPA museum features the agency’s work over 4½ decades, with exhibit topics such as regulating carbon dioxide emissions and the Paris climate accord. On a recent tour of the exhibit, an official said that climate displays are slated to be removed, and that a display on coal may be added. |
![]() resist the madness!American Resistance Sevilla is a non-partisan community mobilizing Americans living abroad to take peaceful action defending our lawful rights and freedoms. Learn more Archives
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